“Dr. Morrow’s Gynecologic Cancer Surgery, based on a lifetime of clinical experience, studious observation, critical judgment…has presented us with a perspective and depth unseen in our literature since the classic … works of the past century… the book has no equivalent rival in our current literature.”
Associate Professor Rush Medical College
Chairman, Gynecologic Oncology
Cook County Hospital
Chicago, IL.
“I have personally very frequently consulted the book before doing surgery or before writing on the same topics. I have advised my residents and fellows to read it…. it is precise, detailed, and accurate.”
Professor in Oncology
Department Head of Surgery,
Institute Cladius Regaud
Toulouse, France
“Professor Morrow’s book …contains a wealth of … outstanding technical and scientific data …The author’s experience and expertise are evident in every single line of this book. …Nothing is superfluous in this text from the anatomical knowledge to the surgical indications, … to the description of the most appropriate surgical techniques.”
Director, Division of Gynecologic Surgery,
European Institute of Oncology
Milan, Italy.
” this book by [Professor] Morrow has been the definitive [surgical reference] for me. Its completeness, thoroughness, and the wisdom with which it refers to every subject is impressive”.
Professor and Director, Department
of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Spain.
“An invaluable resource for both those [gynecologic oncologists] in training as well as those seasoned in the practice of our field”.
Associate Professor and Director,
Gynecologic Oncology,
University of Southern California
Keck School of Medicine
Los Angeles, CA.
“Professor Morrow has revised and updated the book which during my career practicing Gynecologic Oncology was the standard by which all others were judged.”
Professor and Gynecologic Oncologist,
Miller School of Medicine,
University of Miami
Miami, FL.
“[Professor] Morrow is a genuine pioneer of…educating gynecologic oncolog[ists]… all over the world … the textbook is easy to follow for…the fellow and … the established gynecologic oncologist…very comprehensive and informative… strongly recommend”.
President Emeritus of the International
Gynecologic Cancer Society,
Professor, Kyoto University, Japan
“…one of the best surgery book(s) for gynecologic cancer, I strongly recommend …it.”
Professor and Chair
University of Ulsan
Seoul, South Korea